The pain on my right side starts
Two hours later, it continues
After talking with a nurse on the phone
It's decided that I go to the hospital
By ambulance is 20 minutes
By public transit, it's 15 minutes
Public Transit is chosen
The bus stop is right outside the hospital
Arrival at the hospital is quick
Going into the emergency entrance
With a long wait is expected
I went to the first window (intake)
After explaining that I spoke to a nurse
The intake person looks at the computer and asks me to have a seat
My butt never even made it down to the waiting room chair when I am called again
At the second window I am issued numerous bracelets (allergies, etc)
I am told to wait in another room in the emergency department
There are five people and one nurse in the same room
I am told blood work is next
I ask for a reclining chair as needles and I do not get along
After taking blood, I feel queezy
The nurse ask if I am ok
I ask for water
The person beside me starts to convulse
The nurse looks at me and I tell the nurse "take care of her first"
The nurse asks "are you sure?"
I say yes, but I feel myself starting to slip
I try and get up, and while pointing upwards I say "ahhh"
That was the last thing I remember before....
The room goes all white
A friend appears, her body all in white (except her head)
She is looking and facing towards your left
Then she turns her head towards me and fades away
I am still surrounded by white
It has not corners, no dimensions
This person then appears
With long wavy hair with a beard wearing a clock and sandles
This person outstretches their right arm with an open palm
Not a word was spoken
Somehow I knew what was being asked
I replied "I can't. I have two cats at home. They are my sweethearts. I cannot leave them"
Then I felt a small pain in the middle of my chest
The person disappears but I am still surrounded by white
Another sharper pain is felt in my chest
I realize that could be the pain from chest compressions
As I have take numerous first aid courses in the past.
Another sharper pain in my chest.
I say to myself "That can't be me"
Then another sharper pain
Saying to myself "Wait. That IS me. That's just not going to happen"
Anther very sharp pain in my chest
I say to myself "wake up .... NOW"
My eyes bug open
Scaring the nurse who was on my chest
Then I close my eyes to get reorientated
I heard the nurse say "I don't know how, but he's back"
Then I opened by eyes again to see the following people around me:
2 nurses, a doctor, an orderly with a mobile bed and another person
I am helped onto the mobile bed as I am moved into the intensive care unit
After making a phone call, my Mother arrives in the hospital
One doctor came to check on me, and ask how I was feeling
I responded "with my fingers"
That reply he did not expect
I tilted my head back to see my blood pressure, it was 186 over 110.
I asked the doctor when I get to 200, sell
Then I asked "how long"
He said for a few seconds. Five more seconds and you would have had brain damage
I said that was kind of impossible since I was laying on my brain
The doctor said that I was fine, especially to have a sense of humour after what I went through
One of the nurses came by later to check on me
She told me the doctor warned her about my humour
She asked me the same questions and I gave her the same answers
I was released six hours later with my blood pressure down to 120 over 60
However, I did not end there
Two months later, while I was on the phone, the room went white again.
I was given the same choice by the same person with the long wavy hair
It lasted a few moments after I gave the same answer as before
Another two months later, while I was just sitting on the couch, the third choice was offered.
There was no change in my answer
Since then, I have lost one of my girls to diabetes.
I still have my little girl
10 years later, I wonder
Was I visited by the Holy Trinity?
Who knows

April 24, 2022

Your Blood, Your Life

It comes that time again
When you must undergo testing
You hope for nothing - but you take no chances
While awaiting results
A friend leaves
The departure was caused by one of the tests that you have completed
You start to think, could you be next
More results come in, so far good news
For what you have gone through
Life has really challenged you
Then you get some ironic news
Your blood type resembles your attitude
You never gave up with everything that you have faced
As life continues to challenge you
You should continue to be like your blood type and B positive

June 2019

Below is our directory of the products that are available to purchase with different poems on them.

Thank you for visiting and keep safe.

© Darren Parberry
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